
I grew up in Winnipeg. I currently live and play in Squamish.

email: saarbuckle [at] gmail [dot] com

docs: résumé | cv


I completed a B.Sc. in Psychology at Queen's University where I studied survey questionnaire development with Dr. Ronald Holden and how we transform variable sounds into meaningful language with Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude.

I then obtained a Ph.D. in Computational Neuroscience studying sensorimotor control with Dr. Jörn Diedrichsen and Dr. Andrew Pruszynski at Western University. During my Ph.D., I held an NSERC scholarship and funded some of my projects through BrainsCAN.


I've helped design and teach courses in data science, neural networks, neuroimaging, statistics, and psychology (by doing this, I get to learn about cool stuff!).

I'm currently helping design a series of short courses on neurotechnology for Queen's University. These "micro-credentials" are designed to provide an accessible introduction to our brains and neurotechnology, and how neurotechnologies can help tackle real-world problems. We were awarded nearly $1 million in competitive funding from the Ontario government to develop this program.

Spencer Arbuckle | Rochers de Naye, Switzerland Rochers de Naye